My kids are 8 and 12 and reading on their own before bed but I got a new novel to read aloud to them! I read once that we should read aloud to our kids through their teenage years and I’m determined to try!

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I’d say you’re pretty close to that goal already! What does the studies say about kids reading to parents? I’d sign up for that trial!

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Love this, Olivia 😊

My reading goals for my family have changed even since I used this as my own thread prompt so here goes: we used to do Poetry Teatime all the time and then the pandemic hit and I couldn't keep it up; I was just in survival mode (not to mention, we used to do them most often after I came home from traveling for work, which I haven't done in two years now). So I'd like to bring those back into our lives. I also want to work on additional book displays in our home -- we have some (probably "a lot" to most people) but there are a few areas where I feel things have gotten stagnant and need a refresh, and there's nothing like solving a problem to light a fire under my ass...

I love your goal of trying to read your own books more in front of your toddler. It *isn't* easy but it's worthy! (Remember, all reading counts -- picking up a magazine or the newspaper is just as valid. When I am reading something on my phone I also try to verbalize it for my kids -- I say something like, "I'm reading an interesting article here -- did you know... ?" so that they don't think all I do is text and scroll.)

Happy 2022!

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Poetry Teatime! I'm coming over!

We are definitely in a bit reading transition over here. As my daughter gets older and more interested in looking at books by herself I'm trying to jump on those moments to read my own books near here. I love reading to her and don't plan on stopping anytime soon, but demonstrating my own passion for books is just as important to me. I imagine this will be even easier once he ACTUALLY learns how to read though!

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You'd think so, wouldn't you? Alas, it seems like whenever I pick up a book my kids hear it from another level of the house and come running to ask for something, climb on my lap, or otherwise talk to me 😊 Even when I've set up a situation for side-by-side reading, like, "Let's all get in my bed and curl up with our own books!", it doesn't end up happening like I think it's going to happen. Which is okay: they'll ignore me soon enough. (They see me reading all the time, but... I still do most of my reading after they are asleep.)

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